• 3 January 2019 –  The Family Holiday Association has become one of the first UK charities to be supported by the TUI Care Foundation. The five year agreement is designed to provide over 7,000 struggling families with a vital day out or short-break holiday – directly benefiting over 16,000 children and 12,000 adults over the five year period.

    Covered by the TUI Care Foundation Junior Academy banner, the project will help UK families access a short-break – often a few nights at a holiday park by the British seaside – or day trip to the seaside, a local tourist attraction or museum.

    Explaining the partnership, John Kinnear, Head of Programmes at the charity said, “Millions of children and their families in the UK struggle daily with issues such as severe and long term-illness, bereavement, mental health issues, disability and domestic violence. Often these families don’t have the confidence or resources to arrange a break away from home and yet evidence consistently demonstrates that by taking some time away from the daily routine, adults and children are happier, healthier and often able to engage more with society, returning to employment or further education in some cases. We are absolutely delighted that the TUI Care Foundation have made this long-term commitment. The support will allow us to reach even more people, helping them to experience a break from the stresses at home, nurturing their wellbeing and creating cherished memories.”

    Helen Caron, Member of the Board of Trustees of TUI Care Foundation, commented, “At TUI we have supported the Family Holiday Association for many years and we are delighted that the partnership will now continue through the TUI Care Foundation. We know the positive impact breaks have on people’s wellbeing, and to be able to help those in desperate need who might otherwise miss out is as rewarding as it is worthwhile.”

    The long-standing relationship has raised more than £3.75m over the last 28 years, funding 25,000 day trips and short-breaks and touching the lives of around 60,000 children and their families. The five year agreement with the TUI Care Foundation will build on this legacy and ensure thousands more families get a well deserved break.

    TUI Care Foundation was founded by TUI Group, the world´s leading tourism business. Their goal is to build on the potential of tourism as a force for good by supporting partnerships and projects that create new opportunities for the young generation and contribute to thriving destinations all over the world.



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